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Need Help With Hurricane Helene Claims? Contact Us

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Disaster Planning and Response

Imperium provides unparalleled catastrophic claims and disaster planning and response guidance drawn from strategic partnerships nationwide. We offer “front-of-the-line” access to special skills, equipment and materials from preferred vendors. Priority means you come first when disaster strikes, putting your organization ahead of others on the road to recovery.

Catastrophic Claims Processing and Loss Mitigation

Creating clear, strategic plans before any event will minimize property damage and jumpstart the recovery and catastrophic claims process. Early action ensures that loss mitigation protocols are set and costs and fees are fixed. Imperium offers timely assessments to support your business decisions and empower you to be resilient. We simplify the disaster planning process and make organizing and effectuating a response much more efficient and effective.

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Hurricane Claim Preparation & Recovery

Our team takes a proactive and focused approach to hurricane disaster planning and response by identifying and quantifying your financial losses. Imperium assists organizations with the assessment of loss impacts, quantification of business interruption and time element costs and scope and cost calculations for property damage. We also offer forensic scheduling for time element losses and expert catastrophic claim documentation to maximize and expedite available insurance and third-party recoveries.

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Catastrophic Claims Services

After the loss mitigation and emergency response phase, a property loss must be thoroughly evaluated, quantified and professionally presented for reimbursement through insurance or disaster aid programs. As the premier complex property damage and catastrophic claims consulting group, we have experience handling the largest and most complex losses in history. Our disaster planning and response process includes an accurate evaluation, professional documentation and equitable settlement of each catastrophic claim.

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Disaster Recovery & Response Guidelines

You need to be ready before catastrophes strike. Start by structuring your loss recovery plan and identifying and reviewing all relevant insurance policies, including catastrophic claims processes, and business continuity plans. Safeguard important financial records either by removing them from the site or saving to an offsite storage location or cloud-based platform. Protect and secure physical assets, property and equipment, and ensure inventory lists, asset registers and stored materials are updated.

Notify the Loss Recovery Team members to anticipate activation and be prepared to assess the overall organizational impacts, including property damage, repair and loss mitigation needs, staffing and business interruption. A team leader should be appointed to serve as the liaison between organizational functions, such as risk management/insurance, financial, legal, operations, facilities, security, information technology and outside advisers/consultants, among other relevant departments.

Set up dedicated loss and recovery cost accounts to track all costs related to the preparation of the event. Ensure appropriate operations and accounting personnel have instructions regarding approval and documentation protocols regarding loss-related expenses.

Keep detailed records of employee labor and expenses related to safeguarding, protection and general preparation for the event. Document the hours worked by task, track straight time and premium time distinctly and include a description of the work performed.

If possible, take pre-event video and pictures of property and equipment, inside and outside. For active capital projects, major maintenance and other construction, document the status of work completed just prior to the event in terms of cost incurred and progress achieved against a completion schedule.

As appropriate, evacuate employees and activate communication protocols to account for employees after an event and to keep them informed.

Activate the Loss Recovery Team, which should include a dedicated team leader, risk manager, financial department colleagues (CFO/controller), accounting staff, facilities management, outside broker, forensic accounting/catastrophic claim preparation consultant and construction cost and schedule consultant.

Identify, photograph and document the scope of the loss while preserving any damaged items. Develop a scope of repair estimates with vendors or internally. Implement catastrophic claim cost tracking, accounting protocols and document gathering protocols for property damage and business interruption.

Make sure to track and document customer inquiries, cancelled orders and any potential delayed events resulting in lost sales or lost event costs. Communicate with the broker, consultant, carrier and adjuster to establish a catastrophic claims process, including the immediate next steps.