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Solutions > Insurance Claims

Business Interruption Claims & Valuation

Business interruption continues to be ranked as one of the most significant risks faced by businesses in all industries on an annual basis. Paradoxically, risk managers consistently identify business interruption insurance coverage and business interruption claims as the most complex challenges they encounter.

Imperium’s Expertise in Business Interruption Claims & Valuation

Imperium specializes in providing businesses across all industries with clarity and insight into their business interruption and contingent business interruption exposures. Drawing upon our extensive global business interruption claims experience and in-depth knowledge of industry practices, we offer accurate, timely and defensible analyses of the impacts of these losses. We help businesses navigate the complexities of valuing and settling business interruption claims, ensuring they have the coverage to protect their financial stability.

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Pre-Loss: Business Interruption Values

Determining the appropriate amount of insurance coverage can be challenging, especially when relying on inadequate business interruption valuation worksheets that misalign with your businesses’ nuances. This causes calculation errors and misunderstandings. At worst, businesses find themselves underinsured and susceptible to devastating financial losses. At Imperium, we emphasize the significance of business interruption valuations to assess risks, determine appropriate insurance coverage, make informed decisions, plan financially and facilitate the claims process.

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The Significance of Business Interruption Valuations

Accurate business interruption valuations play a crucial role in proactively managing and mitigating the financial impact of potential interruptions, safeguarding a business's stability and resilience. Without proper valuation, businesses may be underinsured and risk significant financial losses in the event of an interruption.

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How Business Interruption Valuations Support Risk Management

Valuation helps identify and assess the risks associated with business interruption, enabling effective resource allocation and implementation of risk management strategies for quick recovery after an interruption. Accurate business interruption valuations also support cost-benefit analysis of different risk management strategies, such as investing in backup systems, diversifying suppliers or implementing preventive measures, enabling businesses to make informed decisions about resource allocation, investments and risk mitigation measures.

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Mitigating and Quantifying Loss

Our comprehensive checklist can help you prepare and respond after a cyber business interruption. 

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